Signature with Mobile ID not possible
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Qualified signature (QES)
If the qualified signature using Mobile ID fails, it may be because your Mobile ID is not correctly registered for signing or the registration has expired. In this case, you must register again with Mobile ID for the electronic signature.
You can check the signature readiness of your Mobile ID for Switzerland and / or Europe at the following link and also find out where you can register:
If the result of the check does not reveal any problems, please contact our support team( for further assistance.
Alternatively, you can also use DeepCloud’s free online identification service “DeepID”(learn more).
Advanced signature (AES)
Please note that advanced signatures via SMS code are only possible with a registered Swiss mobile number. Foreign mobile numbers are not supported.
If you do not have a Swiss mobile number, you can alternatively use the free online identification solution “DeepID” from DeepCloud(learn more).
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