Display signatures in the PDF viewer
There are various applications that can be used to display PDF files.
Not all applications follow common standards for displaying and verifying digital signatures.
DeepCloud with the product DeepSign supports the standards according to the best known PDF viewer “Adobe Acrobat Reader”.
We ensure that digital signatures can be displayed and verified correctly in accordance with these standards.
Other PDF viewers and their standards are not officially supported.
If a digital signature is not displayed correctly in your PDF reader, please also check this in the officially supported “Adobe Acrobat Reader”.
You can find a current version of the PDF viewer here: https://get.adobe.com/de/reader/
Checking the validity of a DeepSign signature
DeepSign offers the option of signing with different security levels.
Details can be found here:
The easiest and most reliable way to check qualified digital signatures (QES) is with official validators. These are offered by the authorities for the Swiss legal area (ZertES) or the EU (eIDAS). Further information can be found here: DeepSign homepage
Digital signatures, regardless of the security level, can also be checked in “Adobe Acrobat Reader”.
To do this, you can either click on the visual signature or click on the blue bar at the top of the document to access the signature properties.
The “Certificate of the signatory” can be opened there.
The following Swisscom certificates are used depending on the jurisdiction and signatory level:
- SES: Swisscom TSS CA4.1
- AES ZertES: Swisscom Saphir CA 4
- AES eIDAS: Swisscom Saphir EU CA 4.1
- QES ZertES: Swisscom Diamant CA 4
- QES eIDAS: Swisscom Diamant EU CA 4.1
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