It is essential to verify organizations and private accounts. This is the only way to guarantee security and data protection on DeepBox.
The complete verification process first verifies the personal identity in order to subsequently verify an organization. If the company is entered in the commercial register, a person authorized to sign must go through the DeepID process and, if necessary, nominate another person who is entered in the Swiss commercial register.
Full verification is optional for DeepBox, DeepSign and DeepV.
The simplified verification path is set as standard, but requires a credit card. It is possible to create an account without full verification by depositing a payment method. The simplified account creation enables the use of the DeepBox and the DeepSign and DeepV products as well as the various integrations possible on the DeepBox.
Full verification with DeepID is still possible for DeepBox (and now also for DeepSign & DeepV). However, this is no longer absolutely necessary for the integration of Abacus. Mails to third parties show the verification status of a DeepBox organization.
Verification process with DeepID
User Verification:
The currently logged in user must scan the QR code that refers to the DeepID. It is therefore a prerequisite that this person identifies themselves using this app. DeepID is a digital and free identification service from DeepCloud AG.
Company data:
Here you can determine whether the organization is entered in the commercial register or not. Depending on this selection, in the next step the authorized signatories are automatically loaded from the commercial register using the UID or entered manually if there is no entry.
Authorized signatory:
If a commercial register entry exists, the authorized signatories can be selected in the drop-down list. Procuration (individual procuration, joint procuration for two or joint procuration for three) is also validated. Finally, the e-mail address must be entered. If there is no entry in the commercial register, all information must be entered manually.