DeepO pay-per-use
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DeepO Pay per use
The costs for using DeepO are billed according to the pay-per-use principle. There are two types of billing:
Variable price
The purchase of an Advanced Box includes 50 document analyses. If several Advanced Boxes are purchased, the included analyses are cumulated, regardless of whether more than 50 analyses are performed on a single box. Each additional document analysis is charged at CHF 0.05. The “Position recognition” and “Custom fields” features are not included.

Fixed price
The purchase of an Advanced Box is not required for the fixed price version. In addition, the features “Position recognition”, “Custom fields” and 2 flows are included in the fixed price of CHF 0.50 per item.

Further information on prices can be found here.
Switch to fixed price
To be able to use the fixed price offer, you must first create an Advanced Box. You can then switch to the fixed price option under “DeepO settings” > “Box settings” > “Other settings” > “Analysis billing type”.

The number of document analyses used is displayed in the account management under “Subscription”.

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