Manage recycle bin
There is one trash per organisation, which can be found on the sidebar below the inbox and documents. IMPORTANT:From 1 March 2025, files in the trash will be automatically deleted ...
There is one trash per organisation, which can be found on the sidebar below the inbox and documents. IMPORTANT:From 1 March 2025, files in the trash will be automatically deleted ...
To give new members authorization for boxes, the following steps must be taken:
To change the name of a box, the following steps must be followed:
To create a new box, follow these steps: Box types: There are two box types to choose from: The Advanced Box offers the following additional functions:
Simple Box Advanced Box Price Free of charge CHF 9.00/month Access to documents via link Yes Yes Release from Box Yes Yes Mail to Box function (e-mail and smart upload) No Yes ...
Using the DeepBox search is the fastest way to find documents and their content. When entering keywords, all results including the storage location are listed directly below the ...
The inbox contains the files that are to be analyzed and processed. Either they were uploaded by yourself or by someone with access to this box. This means that all document ...
The deadlines tile displays all documents and files in a box that have been assigned a deadline. The tile disappears as soon as all deadline documents have been processed or moved.
The «Boxes shared with me» tile displays the boxes that have been shared with the user by external organizations. It appears automatically as soon as a user from another ...
No, the so-called “system folders” are used for the automatic filing of documents. It is technically possible to delete them, as the user can organize his box as he ...
The most recently used boxes are displayed in the header on the right above the dashboard, helping the user stay organized even with a busy dashboard. When a box is clicked, it is ...
The predefined folders are required for automatic organizing and archiving. Since DeepO recognizes the document type in order to save them in the right place with one click, it ...
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